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Connah’s Quay landlord fined almost £30,000 for breaking housing laws
Published: 01/09/2023
A rogue landlord has been fined £27,460 for putting residents at risk by failing to maintain a property in Connah’s Quay.
Flintshire County Council brought a prosecution against Guljbar Hussain for not meeting his House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) license conditions.
Mr Hussain and his company, Stone Petals Limited, were licensed to operate The Old Quay House on Dock Road, but put the residents, including families and young children, at risk.

In May 2022, residents complained to Flintshire County Council’s housing standards team regarding unsatisfactory living conditions.
Environmental health officers carried out inspections at the property in May and August 2022 which confirmed it was not being maintained in accordance with the HMO licence.
Mr Hussain and his company failed to repair or replace defective fire doors, consistently left residents without hot water to their hand wash basins, refused to provide an up-to-date Electrical Installation Condition report and did not attend to repairs needed in residents’ living accommodation, communal and shared kitchens.

He plead guilty to breaching the licence conditions at Mold Magistrates Court on August 22, 2023, and was fined £18,000, ordered to pay a £7,200 victim surcharge and £2,260 in costs.
Councillor Chris Bithell, Flintshire County Council’s cabinet member for housing, said: “This successful prosecution sends a clear message that Flintshire County Council will protect its residents from rogue landlords who breach their licence conditions.
“It reflects Flintshire’s commitment to ensuring Houses in Multiple Occupation are properly managed.”