Alert Section


Information including regeneration schemes across the county, support for all areas of business start-up and development and information and advice for apprenticeships

Business Rates

Please see pages below for information on Non-Domestic / Business Rates

Selling to the Council

Find out how we advertise tenders for goods and services as well as information on the procurement process.

Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme

Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme

Licences and permits

Apply online and access a range of information about licenses, registrations and permits

Business Support & Advice

We offer free advice for new and existing businesses on funding, sales and marketing, re-locating, training and more

Food Safety & Hygiene

Approval of food premises, food hygiene inspections, food and hygiene complaints, food poisoning and infectious disease control, registration of food premises

Planning Permission for Businesses

View advice, make an application or appeal, view development plans, policies and supplementary planning guidance

Land and Property

Find information on local land charges, CON29R enquiries and commercial property opportunities.

Roundabout Sponsorship

Flintshire County Council has introduced a roundabout sponsorship scheme. This scheme is intended to raise the quality of the environment by improving the appearance of roundabouts; improve the image of the County as a vibrant and high-quality location for business; and promote the range of high quality businesses already located here.

UK Shared Prosperity Fund

Information about how the UK Shared Prosperity Fund is delivered in Flintshire.

Trading Standards

How to comply with the regulations and ensure a fair and safe environment for your customers and employees

Health and Safety

Includes health & safety enforcement and advice for certain workplaces, work activities and events; skin piercing registrations and enforcement; sunbed law enforcement

Town Centre Regeneration

The Programme will help the towns in Flintshire to adapt successfully and sustainably to a changing world; economically, socially and environmentally.

Apprenticeships in Flintshire

Apprenticeships in Flintshire

Emergency Planning

Emergency Planning Information in Flintshire

Registration Service

The Flintshire Registration Service can provide information and guidance on the process for the approval of premises venues for weddings and ceremonies.


Waste disposal services we can offer and how to dispose of your waste responsibly (duty of care)