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Flintshire is a place to call home

Published: 16/03/2018

Flintshire County Council’s Cabinet will be asked to welcome a positive review of care homes in the County when it meets next week. In 2017, the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales undertook a follow-up review of her 2014 “A Place to Call Home?” review which was the largest ever undertaken into the quality of life and care of older people in care homes in Wales. All 22 local authorities, 7 Local Health Boards, Welsh Government and CIW (Care Inspectorate Wales) were reviewed and analysed against their ‘Requirements for Action’ in 15 specific areas as set out in the 2014 review. Flintshire is one of only four local authorities and the only North Wales authority to be given the highest rating in all 15 areas. The report also highlights Flintshire as an example of innovative or best practice on five occasions. Flintshire Cabinet Member for Social Services, Councillor Christine Jones, said: “This is an excellent report and one that we should be very proud of. It’s down to the hard work and dedication of our wonderful workforce that older people in Flintshire can be assured of the best care possible at a time when they may be feeling vulnerable and unsure about their future. “As the review points out - the provision of care in a care home setting isn’t just about being safe and having basic physical needs met, but is also about the quality of life.” The Commissioner did identify that Flintshire could carry out further work to improve the evidence of outcomes and more meaningful and measurable data be made available to further illustrate our improvements. This has been taken forward as an action.