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Communities First and Streetscene link up to offer training

Published: 06/11/2017

Flintshire Communities First and Flintshire County Council’s Streetscene team have been working in partnership to create a new and exciting opportunity for individuals to access a pathway into employment. Together they are offering a course where local residents will have the chance to gain training, skills and experience relating to roles in the Streetscene department. The three week course starts on Tuesday, 14 November at Flintshire’s Alltami Depot (CH7 6LG), 9:30am to 4pm. If you are interested in expanding your CV with accredited training and work experience opportunities, then this is for you. The first week will involve training on a variety of subjects including manual handling, health and safety, first aid and customer service. Following this, you will have the opportunity to sample work experience taster days in the second week Finally, the third week will include a trimmer course and how to deal with routine waste. It will also include CV support, confidence building, employability skills and mock interviews, work placements and a chance to apply for ongoing vacancies within Streetscene For further information and how to enrol please contact Nia Parry at Communities First on 01244 846090 or email: