Alert Section

Suspected Fraud / Concern

Fraud and corruption costs the taxpayer hundreds of millions of pounds each year with the number of detected cases on the increase. 

Flintshire County Council has a legal duty to protect the public funds it administers.  We are committed to fighting fraud and corruption so that public money can be spent on providing vital services to the local community we serve.  We have a zero tolerance approach to fraud and reports of fraud are taken seriously.

You can help the Council to fight the fraudsters by reporting any concerns that you have about suspected fraud against the Council.  You can use this online form to report concerns relating to:

  • Benefits
  • Births, Marriages and Deaths
  • Blue Badge
  • Business rates
  • Contracts with the Council
  • Council employee
  • Council tax / Single person discount
  • False insurance claims against the Council
  • Applications Grant Funding e.g Houses to Homes
  • Payments to suppliers
  • Social Care, including direct payments.

Our objective is to ensure that instances or allegations of potential fraud are investigated and dealt with effectively.  Whilst you are able to complete the form anonymously, we are asking for your personal contact information in order to be able to contact you for further information as part of any investigation

Your personal data is being processed as part of our public task and any sensitive data you provide will be processed for reasons of substantial interest to enable Internal audit to deliver its statutory requirement for local authorities.  The two pieces of legislation that impact upon internal audit in local authorities are:

  • Section 5 of the Accounts and Audit (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2018 states that “a relevant authority must undertake an effective internal audit to evaluate the effectiveness of its risk management, control and governance processes, taking into account public sector internal auditing standards or guidance”.
  • Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972 requires every authority to make arrangements for the proper administration of its financial affairs.  CIPFA has defined ‘proper administration’ in that it should include ‘compliance with the statutory requirements for accounting and internal audit’.

The information you provide may be passed to the relevant service area or be investigated by the Internal Audit team.

There may be overriding obligations which means your personal details have to be shared outside the Council to an external agency depending on the nature of the concern / fraud in order to fully investigate e.g.  the Police; Department for Work and Pensions; Her Majesty Revenues and Customs; Cabinet Office; Other Government departments and public sector bodies; Employment Tribunal; Professional Bodies; Other Local authorities; Employers; and National Anti-Fraud Network.

We will retain your personal information in line with our retention policy.  Audit records will be retained for seven years and investigation records for 15 years.  If a fraud has not been proven these records will be retained for seven years.  Where information has been passed to a service area or external party their own retention timescales will apply.

For reasons of confidentiality we are unable to update you on the progress or outcome of any investigation.

If you feel that Flintshire County Council has mishandled your personal data at any time you can make a complaint to the Information Commissioner's Office by visiting their website or by calling their helpline on 0303 123 1113.  For more information on your information rights and how to complain if you feel your personal data has been mis-handled:

If you wish to report something that is not potentially fraud related or if you wish to inform the Council of a complaint – please visit Concerns and Complaints.

If you have understood the above and you want to report a suspected fraud or concern please complete the online form:  

Report Form

Other useful information