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Covid Guidance for Couples and Guests Attending The Register Office

Guidance for couples and their guests prior to attending the Register Office at Llwynegrin Hall, Mold.

This information is aimed at couples and their guests. It is important that everyone attending the Register Office knows what to expect to keep us all safe and stop the spread of coronavirus.

Showing symptoms?
Anyone showing symptoms must stay at home. The symptoms include:
• A high temperature 38˚C or above
• A persistent cough or shortness of breath
• Loss of smell or taste

Restricting the number of people who can attend a ceremony
The maximum number of people permitted in the Ceremony Room is 34.  This includes two Registrars and the couple.  This means a maximum of 30 guests can be invited to attend ceremonies.  This will include your two witnesses.  The restriction on 30 guests is non-negotiable.

Keep your distance
We ask all guests to remain in their car outside the Register Office until they are invited in to the building and everyone will be asked to leave the building when the ceremony has finished. We cannot allow guests to gather and photographs are not permitted in the communal waiting area.

Good hygiene
Everyone attending the Register Office must sanitize their hands on arrival using the hand sanitizing stations provided. We will also ask couples and their witnesses to sanitize their hands after signing the register. We ask everyone to avoid touching surfaces as far as possible.

Keeping track of people who have visited the Register Office
We will maintain a register of people who have attended the Register Office. Couples will be required to provide the names and contact telephone number of all their guests prior to a ceremony. This will help us to support the Test, Track, Protect programme in Wales to enhance health surveillance in the community.

We kindly request the cooperation of everyone attending the Register Office, anyone not following the guidance will be asked to leave and the Registrar reserves the right to suspend a ceremony.