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Your Child's Amazing Brain

Did you know that babies’ brains are not fully developed at birth.  They are born with around 100 billion brain cells but there are few connections between the cells.  One of the most significant factors that influences your baby’s brain development is the quality of the relationships they have, early in their life.  They need caring adults to ‘wire up’ the brain connections, and GroBrain approach talks about three sets of ‘brain wires that parents need to be aware of:

  • Love wiring (baby’s ability to feel lovable)
  • Stress wiring (baby’s ability to manage stress)
  • Speech wiring (cognitive development)

There are many simple things parents can do to help their child’s social, emotional and cognitive development.

Think about Smiles, Comfort and Baby Talk to help good relationships and grow your baby’s brain.

We deliver some great training to help parents and services understand the importance of early years brain development. These include:

  • GroBrain
  • Baby GroBrain
  • Bonding and brain development
  • A guide for parents and carers.

Oxford Brain Story

We are working with Oxford University and partners to help us all understand this important development in a child’s life, and to understand how experiences shape our brains and the long term implications for physical and mental health, so we can improve outcomes for children and adults.

For Families and Individuals

The Brain Story is about how experiences shape our brains. It is a story for everyone, as we all depend on those around us for the experiences that build our brain architecture. This forms the foundation on which our future learning, behaviour and health is built.

Visit the Oxford Brain Story website

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Poor relationships can cause stress on the brain.

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are traumatic events that affect children while growing up, such as suffering child maltreatment or living in a household affected by domestic violence, substance misuse or mental illness.

How Brains are Built: The Core Story of Brain Development

Supporting a child or young person with feelings of anxiety